Silks Avatars

Silks Avatar NFT

Dynasty Silks

A Silks avatar serves as your identity within the Silks ecosystem. Each Silks avatar consists of a distinct combination of colors, patterns, and other attributes that collectively create a one-of-a-kind “coat of arms” or crest that appears on every asset you own within the Silks ecosystem. Similar to a team logo, the crest is the visual representation, or brand, of your Silks dynasty. It will appear at the entry to your farm or estate, draped on the walls of your stable, and on the blinkers and blankets of your racehorse.

Racing Rewards

When your Silks avatar is minted, it is automatically registered with Game of Silks as verified Dynasty Silks and associated with your wallet. To receive racing rewards, you must own a Silks avatar in the same wallet as your racehorse.

Racing rewards are distributed based on a schedule that is published prior to each race.

Reference Reward Sharing for how payouts get distributed


Avatar holders will have the opportunity to access exclusive experiences, giveaways, and real life events.


Silks avatars have a variety of attributes with different levels of rarity, creating a collectable game within the game. Your selected avatar also serves as your visual identity in the game, letting you represent your dynasty in a truly unique way.

At the outset of the game, the rarity of an Avatar has no impact on the gameplay. This could change over time.

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